Light Language Healing Session

During this session I work mainly with galactic beings to facilitate healing. I channel light language through my voice and it is a session completely channeled for your highest healing and benefit. The light language deprograms, heals, and awakens your sovereign light codes already within to embody more of your higher self. You awaken the codes that you came here to fully express on this earth plane. This session will also includes a 3-5 minute recording of light language channeling to be used anytime you want. This session last about 50 minutes and may also include additional sound healing with healing instruments such as sound bowls, tuning forks, rattles, etc.

Energy Healing Session

During this session I work with Ancestors, Guides, Ascended masters, Angels,, Galactic, pretty much all beings of love and light that are here to assist humanity and specifically you on your journey. This session may include, reiki and sound healing through various forms and will always be intuitively led. Sometimes your entourage (guides,angels, ancestor, anyone who is working specifically with you on your journey) will give you messages through me. This session about 60 minutes

Intuitive Guidance Session

During this session I play the role of an intuitive counselor and will provide you with advice to assist you on your journey. This session may include written or vocally channeled information. This session last about 50 minutes

Private This yoga session is yoga as energy work;it is a full light-body Pranasana Yoga reset. The use of movement, mantras, mudras, and meditation Session will be used. This is a 60 minute one on one session. (form of Raja Yoga)